• 放屁虫如何喷射出毒雾

    15-05-04 Bombardier beetles, which exist on every continent except Antarctica, have a pretty easy life. Virtually no other animals prey on them, because of one particularly effective defense mechanism: When disturbed or attacked, the beetles produce an inter...

  • 北极甲虫是气候变化的理想指示物

    15-04-23 Wanna know about climate change? Ask a beetle. Scientists have been logging changes in weather patterns and temperatures in the Arctic for some time. Now they need to find ways to measure how these changes in climate are affecting biodiversity. One...

  • 甲虫的多样性是由于其低灭绝率

    15-03-20 Today's rich variety of beetles may be due to an historically low extinction rate rather than a high rate of new species emerging, according to a new study. These findings were revealed by combing through the fossil record. Much of the work to under...

  • 一种新斑蝥被命名为马可·波罗

    14-12-30 A team of Chinese and Italian scientists has joined efforts to provide a key to the understudied phaleratus group of blister beetles. During their research the scientists have also discovered a new species from the genus Hycleus, which they named af...

  • 大众召回44万辆捷达和甲壳虫

    14-11-20 Volkswagen has announced it's recalling over 440-thousand Jettas and Beetles to fix a problem that can cause rear suspension failure if the cars aren't fixed properly after a crash. 大众汽车宣布将召回44万多辆捷达和甲壳虫,这些车型在发生碰撞之后如果...

  • 小蠹虫影响落基山地区的径流量与水质

    14-04-23 On Earth Week--and in fact, every week now--trees in mountains across the western United States are dying, thanks to an infestation of bark beetles that reproduce in the trees' inner bark. Some species of the beetles, such as the mountain pine beetl...

  • 屎壳郎能减少牲畜粪便发出的温室气体

    13-08-23 Cattle contribute to global warming by burping(打嗝) and farting(放屁) large amounts of greenhouse gases. Some of the same gases are also emitted from cow pats on pastures. But now researchers from the University of Helsinki have found that beet...

  • 我们对甲壳虫的种类知之甚少

    13-02-21 The tropics(热带地区) are home to an extraordinary diversity of insect species. How great is it, exactly? We do not know, but today, researchers at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History published a study on tropical beetles that can help us...

  • 屎壳郎利用星星辨别方向

    13-01-25 An insect with a tiny brain and minimal computing power has become the first animal proven to use the Milky Way for orientation. Scientists from South Africa and Sweden have published findings showing the link between dung beetles and the spray of s...

  • 外来物种的粪便对屎壳郎同有吸引力

    12-04-13 Although the preference of dung beetles(屎壳郎) for specific types and conditions of dung(粪) has been given substantial attention, little has been done to investigate their preference for dung from exotic mammals found on game farms or rewildin...
