• a busy bee 忙碌的人

    22-02-15 a busy bee从字面上来看,指的是一只忙碌的蜜蜂,但是bee在这里也不仅仅只蜜蜂哦,用来形容人的时候就是指忙碌的人。 例如: Tom has six projects going at once, what a busy bee! 汤姆同时做六个项目,忙的不可开交! 哈哈,是不是很形象,很生动?...

  • 怎么正常和医生交流 下

    22-01-29 You must stay in bed. *惯用说法 你必须静养。 I have stiff shoulders. /My shoulders are stiff. 我肩膀酸痛。 I cant stop coughing. 我咳嗽不止。 My throats sore./ I have a sore throat. 我嗓子疼。 Its bleeding. 我流血了。 Ive got a cut here. /I have a c...

  • a bee in your bonnet 没完没了地想事儿

    21-09-02 如果你对一件事儿是 a bee in your bonnet, 那就是说你不能停止、没完没了地想这件事儿。我们常用这个短语来描述一个人对某事担忧、着急或因某事而很生气。单词 bonnet 在这里指的是一种帽子。 例句 The council wants to close down our local library. Ive got a bee...

  • a busy bee 大忙人

    21-08-23 蜜蜂看上去繁忙不停,所以当一个人特忙的时候就可以用 as busy as a bee 来形容繁忙的状态; a busy bee 就是我们说的一个大忙人。 例句 Ive been a really busy bee this morning. Ive been to the shops, paid my bills, had a haircut and even been for a run. Fra...

  • a bee in your bonnet 对某事担忧、着急

    21-08-09 如果你对一件事儿是 a bee in your bonnet, 那就是说你不能停止、没完没了地想这件事儿。我们常用这个短语来描述一个人对某事担忧、着急或因某事而很生气。单词 bonnet 在这里指的是一种帽子。 例句 The council wants to close down our local library. Ive got a bee...

  • 养蜂业走上数字化之路

    19-05-20 Beekeepers in Chinas high-tech powerhouse of Zhejiang Province have developed a smart way of using intelligent beehives to revolutionize bee farming. 科技大省浙江的蜂农研发出一套智能蜂房,推动了养蜂业的发展。 Over 300 apiculture insiders and experts...

  • 世界最大蜜蜂在印尼被重新发现

    19-02-22 The worlds largest bee -- a giant insect roughly the size of a human thumb -- has been rediscovered in a remote part of Indonesia in its first sighting in nearly 40 years, researchers said Thursday. 世界上最大的蜜蜂大约有人的大拇指那么大在印度尼西亚...