• 乌鸦嘴

    22-03-23 乌鸦嘴,字面翻译是crows beak,比喻嘴巴不吉利、说话不中听(mouth from which inauspicious remarks are uttered)。中国人认为乌鸦的叫声会带给人厄运(crows cawing could bring people bad luck),因此常用乌鸦嘴来形容一个人讲话晦气,好事说不灵,坏事一说就灵...

  • 古老的有喙乌龟填补进化空白

    18-08-23 A fossilized skeleton of a turtle, dating back about 228 million years to the dawn of the dinosaur era, has been found in China, shedding new light on the earliest evolution of turtles. 一具可追溯到大约2.28亿年前恐龙时代开始之时的乌龟化石骨架在中国...

  • 达尔文雀鸟嘴的进化历程

    15-02-16 Darwin's finches, inhabiting the Galpagos archipelago and Cocos island, constitute an iconic model for studies of speciation and adaptive evolution. A team of scientists from Uppsala University and Princeton University has now shed light on the evol...
