• 森林浴

    21-01-03 How do you relax after a stressful day in the office? There are many remedies to help you unwind, but the best solution, according to some experts, lies in the great outdoors. It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits can be a perfect t...

  • deep bathing 深度沐浴

    14-03-20 Deep bathing refers to bathing with one's body immersed in the water from the neck down. A designer for Kohler says that bathing in giant tubs that allow you to fully immerse yourself provides serenity for the body, mind and soul. 深度沐浴指把脖子以...

  • forest bathing 森林浴

    11-06-14 A forest bathing trip is a short, leisurely visit to a forest and is regarded as being similar to natural aromatherapy. Studies show that forest bathing can strengthen the immune system. 森林浴就是到森林里放松地走一走,其效果被认为与自然芳香疗法类似...
