• pseudo base stations 伪基站

    16-05-25 More than 11m smartphones were infected by mobile viruses sent from the pseudo base stations in the first six months of the year, according to data released by Tencent. 腾讯数据显示,今年上半年,伪基站发送的手机病毒感染了超过1100万台智能手机。 这种...

  • 富士康计划在甘肃建新生产基地

    15-11-23 Apple's main supplier Foxconn is planning to build a new processing base in northwest China. 苹果的主要供应商富士康计划将在中国西北部地区建立一座新的生产基地。 The contract electronics maker signed a cooperation deal today, Friday, with a local radi...

  • 班加西一处特种部队基地被民兵占领

    14-07-30 A special forces base in the Libyan city of Benghazi has been seized by militias, fighters and officials say. 利比亚城市班加西的一处特种部队基地被民兵占领。 The site was captured by Islamist-led militias after days of fighting in the eastern city, o...

  • 俄罗斯军队占领克里米亚海军基地

    14-03-24 Russian troops have seized control of a Crimean naval base at Feodosia, the third such attack in 48 hours, Ukrainian officials have told the BBC. 乌克兰官员向BBC透露,俄罗斯军队已经占领位于费多西亚的克里米亚海军基地,这是48小时之内的第三次袭击。 Rus...

  • 美军事基地遭塔利班袭击

    13-09-02 The Taliban have attacked a US base in eastern Afghanistan, with reports of a series of explosions. 塔利班武装分子袭击了美国位于东阿富汗的一处军事基地,据闻发生了一连串爆炸。 The US-led Nato mission said no foreign nationals were killed in the morni...

  • 翻译辨误12

    13-06-03 翻译实例:An open, inviting and enriched urban room provides a good base for life energy and innovation. 原译:一个开放、热情而繁荣的城市是创造生活动力和创新理念的良好温床。 改译:一个开放、迷人而繁荣的城市为创造生活动力和创新理念提供了良好的基...

  • territorial coordinates 领土坐标

    13-03-18 Tokyo's decision to 'purchase' Diaoyu Islands sparked a focused and determined response, Beijing on Monday announced territorial coordinates - base points and baselines - for waters off the islands. 中国政府对日本政府购买钓鱼岛的决定做出了坚决的回应...

  • 巴基斯坦一空军基地遭歹徒袭击

    12-08-16 Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani military air base triggering a fierce fire-fight with security forces that lasted several hours. 持枪歹徒袭击了巴基斯坦一座空军基地并引发了与安全部队之间一场持续数小时的激烈交火。 Several militants wearing military u...

  • 美军士兵残杀16位阿富汗平民

    12-03-12 US troops in Afghanistan have been placed on alert following the killings of 16 Afghan civilians by a US soldier. 一名美军士兵杀害了16位阿富汗平民,此举导致美国驻阿富汗部队处于戒备状态。 US officials warned of reprisals(报复) after the soldier wen...

  • HSBC boss switches base to Asia 恒丰银行总部搬至亚洲

    09-09-26 The chief executive of HSBC, Michael Geoghegen, will move to Hong Kong from London as the banking group seeks to focus on Asia. 汇丰银行首席执行官Michael Geoghegen将总部从伦敦搬到香港,该银行集团谋求在亚洲发展。 HSBC is getting back to its Asian roo...