• with bare hands 赤手空拳

    21-08-20 如果某人赤手空拳做成了某件事 done something with their bare hands,那就是说他没有借助任何工具或武器就完成了这件事儿。 例句 I didnt have a fishing rod, so I caught the fish with my bare hands. The policeman was shocked when he realised that the murde...

  • the bare bones 某事或某情况的基本要素

    21-08-05 The bare bones 的意思是某事或某情况的梗概、基本要素、重要部分。 例句 Only the bare bones of the house were left after the tornado. All you could see were the walls and parts of the roof. So far, youve only given me the bare bones of what happened. I...
