• Thirty Years and Five Minutes 30年和5分钟

    16-05-12 A rich Paris banker begged a well-known artist to do a little thing for his album. The artist did the little thing and asked a million francs. Why, it only took you five minutes to do it, said the banker. Yes, replied the artist, but it took me thir...

  • banker's hours 安逸舒适的工作

    13-03-19 Banker是银行家。三十多年前银行开门营业的时间特别短,从早上十点到下午两、三点就结束了,所以银行家的上班时间每天只有四、五个小时,于是人们就开始流行用banker's hours这个说法来特指安逸舒适的工作了。如今的银行为了在激烈的竞争中生存,也不得不延长每天的营...

  • Looking for a Cashier 寻找出纳员

    11-10-07 There was a banker who attended a dinner party, and a friend said to him, Oh! I heard that your bank is looking for a cashier, and the banker said Yes, yes, we are, we are. And then the friend said, But I thought you just hired one a few weeks ago....

  • Darling says party over for banks 英财政大臣Darling警醒银行

    09-09-24 Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling has warned bankers that the party is over and they must realise that the world has changed. 英国财政大臣Alistair Darling警醒银行家,派对已经结束,他们必须意识到世界已经改变。 He made the comments in a BBC...

  • Obama issues warning to bankers 奥巴马提醒银行家戒骄戒躁

    09-09-15 US President Barack Obama has warned bankers against complacency, saying that some in the industry are ignoring the lessons of the financial crisis. 美国总统奥巴马提醒银行家避免自满情绪,称某些人忽视了金融危机的教训。 We will not go back to the days...

  • Top US banker criticises bonuses 美国顶级银行家批判红利政策

    09-09-10 A top US banker has said that public anger about excessive bonuses paid out by financial institutions is both understandable and appropriate. 一位美国顶级银行家称,公众对于金融机构支付过多的红利而愤怒的情况是可以理解和适当的。 Lloyd Blankfein is one...
