• 名家关于读书的见解

    21-04-23 读书的重要性是不言而喻的,但是要如何选书,如何读书呢?不妨来看看名家关于读书的见解。 1. READ BOOKS FROM ERAS PAST // ALBERT EINSTEIN 爱因斯坦:读读过去的书 Keeping up with current events and the latest buzz-worthy book from the bestseller list is no...

  • 你有没有因为书封爱上一本书?

    21-01-27 你有没有因为书封而爱上一本书?据说有本书的封面,装帧精美,标题两个大字男人。好奇的读者信手翻开,会发现里面一片空白。这当然只是个玩笑,兴许是笔记本,或者行为艺术。但它至少成功地让你把它,从书架上拿下来翻开进而可能因为设计而购买。 在琳琅满目的书店里,...

  • Taking attendance 点名

    14-04-08 On my first day of classes at my university I took a front-row seat in my literature course. The professor told us we would be responsible for reading five books, and that he would provide us with a list of authors from which we could choose. Then h...
