• 叫座

    21-11-15 评价一部电影时,我们经常会用到叫好,叫座这两个词汇。从字面意思来看,叫好比较好理解,即对于精彩的事物大声喊好(shout bravo),表示applaud,praise。那么叫座的含义呢? 叫座,是指戏剧或演员对观众很有吸引力(be a hit with audience, appeal to the audience...

  • 谈论“戏剧”的常用词汇

    21-09-29 每年的3月27日是世界戏剧日World Theatre Day,庆祝这一艺术形式的价值和重要性。你喜欢看舞台剧吗?你对它的了解有多深?通过做六道小测验题,学习剧作家、演出人员、舞台等术语的英语说法。 1. Tang Xianzu (汤显祖) is one of Chinas greatest ______. a) playright...

  • flood in 铺天盖地

    21-05-08 铺天盖地,汉语成语,字面意思是blanket the earth and eclipse the sky,形容来势猛,声势大,到处都是。可以翻译为come in large quantities或flood in。 例句: 电视里的广告铺天盖地,令人眼花缭乱。 TV commercials flooded in and dazzled their audience....

  • Little Women - Chapter 4

    20-09-27 Oh, dear, how hard it does seem to take up our packs and go on, sighed Meg the morning after the party, for now the holidays were over, the week of merrymaking did not fit her for going on easily with the task she never liked. I wish it was Christma...

  • prankvertising 恶作剧广告

    17-05-12 Prankvertising refers to using hoaxes or mischievous acts as part of a marketing campaign. 恶作剧广告指的是在营销活动中使用恶作剧或者恶搞行为。 Prankvertising, an advertising strategy that makes its point by tricking, scaring, or pranking an unsuspe...

  • 中国杂技演员在英国达人秀大放光彩

    17-04-26 Two Chinese acrobats have been hailed as being bloody amazing after their appearance on British TV over the weekend. 上周末,两名中国杂技演员在英国达人秀舞台上露面,表演后获得评价极其震惊。 The audience of ITVs prime talent show, Britains Got Talent...

  • 英国男女收视习惯大调查

    15-01-10 If you have ever fought over the TV remote with your partner, you are in good company the whole nation is, apparently, having a similar battle. 如果你曾和家人争抢电视遥控器,那么你并不是一人在战斗很显然,全国家家户户都有类似的斗争。 In fact, it seem...

  • canned laughter 罐头笑声

    14-11-20 Canned laughter is fake audience laughter, a separate soundtrack inserted into sitcoms and TV comedies. The mechanical laughter recording is compared to bland canned food that always tastes similar. 罐头笑声就是植入连续剧或喜剧中的一段假的观众笑声。...

  • 爱乐乐团演奏遭手机铃声干扰

    12-01-14 著名的纽约爱乐乐团近日在演奏会进行时,音乐厅内传出了干扰的手机铃声。乐团指挥吉尔伯特停止乐团演奏,要求手机的主人把铃声关掉,直到会场恢复宁静后才继续演奏。 The New York Philharmonic came to a dramatic--but decidedly unscheduled--stop on Tuesday night...

  • Global broadcast for Proms finale Proms音乐会最后一场将全球

    09-08-14 The Last Night Of The Proms is to be broadcast live to cinemas around the world, it has been announced. 据报道,Last Night Of The Proms音乐会将会全球同步直播。 About 5,200 people attend the Last Night at the Royal Albert Hall Audiences in countries...