• beat an air attendant 殴打空姐

    13-03-18 A senior district official in China's southern metropolis of Guangzhou has been suspended from his post for allegedly beating an air attendant , sources said Monday. 本周一,有消息称,广州市一位区级干部因涉嫌殴打空姐一事已被停职。 这位官员为屡被提及...

  • High-speed train attendants 高姐

    12-01-18 High-speed train attendants ready for service: The crew on the rail route were selected from numerous applicants and have undergone rigorous training. 高铁开通在即,高姐整装待命:高铁线路上的乘务员都是从无数应聘者中海选出来的,而且已经经过了严格训练...
