• 俄罗斯发生陨石爆炸事故 500多人受伤

    13-02-18 The meteor explosion over Russia that injured more than 500 people and damaged hundreds of buildings was not caused by an asteroid zooming close by the Earth today (Feb.15), a NASA scientist says. 俄罗斯近日(2月15日)发生的陨石爆炸已造成超过500人受...

  • 使恐龙灭绝的小行星同时重创蛇蜥类

    12-12-11 The asteroid(小行星) collision widely thought to have killed the dinosaurs also led to extreme devastation among snake and lizard species, according to new research -- including the extinction of a newly identified lizard Yale and Harvard scientis...

  • 小行星带的质量影响附近行星上的生命体

    12-11-05 Solar systems with life-bearing planets may be rare if they are dependent on the presence of asteroid(小行星) belts of just the right mass, according to a study by Rebecca Martin, a NASA Sagan Fellow from the University of Colorado in Boulder, and...

  • 恐龙灭绝前数量已经大幅下降?

    12-05-02 Despite years of intensive research about the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs about 65.5 million years ago, a fundamental question remains: were dinosaurs already undergoing a long-term decline before an asteroid(小行星) hit at the end of the Cr...

  • 欧盟科学家正建立“小行星防护盾”

    12-02-04 Scientists are trying to find a way to protect Earth from the giant rocks which travel around the Milky Way. 科学家正试图找到能保护地球免遭银河系巨石撞击的方法。 Run out of Berlin with funds from the EU, the NEOShield project, which will look for a...

  • 美宇航局将开展小行星取样任务

    11-05-27 A newly announced NASA mission to collect a sample of an asteroid(小行星) and return it to Earth will include an instrument built at Arizona State University's School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE). The ASU instrument will analyze long-wave...

  • 科学家发现对地球有潜在危险的小行星

    10-09-28 The Panoramic(全景的) Survey Telescope Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) PS1 telescope has discovered an asteroid(小行星) that will come within 4 million miles of Earth in mid-October. The object is about 150 feet in diameter and was discovered...

  • 2182年某小行星将可能撞击地球

    10-07-31 A giant asteroid called 1999 RQ36 may crash into Earth on September 24 2182, scientists believe. 科学家相信,一颗名为1999 RQ36的巨大的小行星可能会在2182年撞击地球。 A team of experts, including some working for NASA, believes the 612-yards-wide obje...

  • 小行星或成为研究地球物种起源的“活化石”

    10-04-29 The first-ever discovery of ice and organic molecules(分子,微粒) on an asteroid(小行星) may hold clues to the origins of Earth's oceans and life 4 billion years ago. University of Central Florida researchers detected a thin layer of water ice a...

  • British plan to tackle asteroids 英国计划阻止可能撞地球的小

    09-09-01 A team of British scientists are developing plans for a spacecraft that could stop large asteroids from destroying the Earth. 一组英国科学家正在研究可以阻止大块行星毁灭地球的宇宙飞船方案。 The tractor would steer asteroids away from the Earth The 10...