• 习近平APEC讲话中妙语的翻译

    14-11-16 1. 有路才能人畅其行,物畅其流 With roads in place, people and goods can flow. 要想知道带点文绉绉的话语怎么翻,这句就是范例。 2. 朋友越走越近,邻居越走越亲 Friends and neighbors become closer when they visit each other more often. 这句通俗白话实际上...

  • 亚洲基础设施投资银行明年将建成运作

    14-10-27 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is set to become a reality, now that 21 participating countries have signed off on its creation. 亚洲基础设施投资银行的建立将成为现实,现在已经有21个国家签署了组建草案。 The bank is going to begin with a seed...

  • 探究南亚人肤色变化的成因

    13-11-11 Though genetics of skin pigmentation has shown recent advancements in the last decade, studies involving populations of South Asia, one of the major hot spots of pigmentation diversity, is still in its infancy. In a recent study publishing in PloS G...

  • 亚裔男子因与沙特雇主妻子说话遭殴打

    13-11-03 Human rights campaigners are outraged at a video that has surfaced from Saudi Arabia of an Asian man being severely beaten by a Saudi man, allegedly for looking at his wife. 从沙特阿拉伯传出的一段视频令人权活动家义愤填膺。视频记录了一名沙特男子狠狠...

  • Asian glow 喝酒脸红

    13-09-12 Asian glow refers to redness on the face or body experienced by some Asian people when consuming alcohol. Asian glow指一些亚洲人在饮酒时,面部或身体皮肤发红的情况。 Asians have a different genetic makeup compared to other ethnic groups, causing the...

  • 需要保护的亚洲濒危物种一览

    12-09-06 Will the tiger go the way of the passenger pigeon or be saved from extinction like the American bison? The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) today released a list of Asian species that are at a conservation crossroads calling for governments to ta...

  • 本周亚洲股市整体下滑

    11-09-23 Asian stocks have fallen on Friday, with some indexes driving towards their worst weekly losses since 2008. 本周亚洲股市呈下跌趋势,某些指数达到2008年以来最低值。 Worries about a global recession have intensified after warnings from the IMF and Worl...

  • 美国债务协议达成 亚洲股市好转

    11-08-01 Asian markets have climbed after US lawmakers reached a last-minute agreement to reduce the budget deficit and potentially avoid a debt default. 美国立法者在最后一刻达成削减预算赤字的协议,避免了潜在的债务拖欠问题,亚洲股市因此有所好转。 Japan's mai...

  • 缅甸:素季或可“有所贡献”

    09-10-26 Burmese Prime Minister Thein Sein has told Asian leaders the detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi can contribute to national reconciliation. 缅甸总理Thein Sein告知亚洲各国领导,被软禁的前民主领导昂山素季有助于民族和解。 Burma has been rule...

  • 亚洲领导人试图建立欧盟形式的经济体

    09-10-26 Asian leaders meeting in Thailand are discussing plans to lead the world by forming an EU-style community by 2015. 泰国举行的亚洲领导人峰会正在商讨2015年以前建立一个引领世界的欧盟形式的共同体。 Officials said the East Asian nations would carry out a...