• Contingency Reserve Arrangement 应急储备基金

    13-09-26 The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency Reserve Arrangement , a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries. The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall short term liquidity pressures and streng...

  • manipulation behind the the scenes 暗箱操作

    13-03-05 萝卜招聘是网上一个新词,讽刺有些地方招聘公务员采取量身定做(tailor made)的办法。比如有一个单位要招聘,却搞暗箱操作(manipulation behind the the scenes,scenes本意指舞台背景,这里不宜用black box一词,因为black box是飞机上的黑匣子),招工规定的学历、...
