• 南非大主教结束其公职生涯

    10-10-07 Archbishop Desmond Tutu is stepping down from public life, as he celebrates his 79th birthday. 南非大主教德斯蒙德图图结束了其公职生涯,庆祝他的79岁生日。 The man described as the conscience of South Africa was a prominent(突出的,显著的) voice dur...

  • 约克大主教谴责乌干达反同性恋法案

    09-12-25 The Archbishop of York has condemned an anti-homosexuality bill going through parliament in Uganda. 约克大主教谴责乌干达国会通过的反同性恋法案。 Ugandan-born Dr Sentamu said gay people were valued by God Dr John Sentamu, who was born in the African...
