• 苏门答腊猩猩的种群数量比预想多

    16-03-07 Sumatran orangutans, one of the two existing species of orangutans, live exclusively in the North of the Indonesian island Sumatra and are critically endangered. This great ape is threatened by poaching and forest loss, as its habitat is being conve...

  • 猿和人类大脑的进化历程被改写

    14-10-04 A new study published in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on October 2 could rewrite the story of ape and human brain evolution. While the neocortex of the brain has been called the crowning achievement of evolution and the biological substrat...

  • The Wolf,the Fox and the Ape

    13-09-17 A wolf charged a Fox with theft, which he denied, and the case was brought before an ape to be tried. When he had heard the evidence on both sides, the ape gave judgment as follows::I do not think, he said, that you, O wolf, over lost what you claim...

  • 中国发现古猿罕见头盖骨化石

    13-09-07 A team of researchers has discovered the cranium(颅,头骨) of a fossil ape from Shuitangba, a Miocene site in Yunnan Province, China. The juvenile cranium of the fossil ape Lufengpithecus is significant, according to team member Nina Jablonski, Di...

  • 全球变暖使非洲猿生存艰难

    10-07-23 A study on the effect of global warming on African ape(猿) survival suggests that a warming climate may cause apes to run 'out of time'. The research, published today in Journal of Biogeography, reveals that rising temperatures and changes in rain...
