• pigeonholes 鸽子房

    16-12-17 Four six-square meter apartments sold this weekend in Shenzhen made a splash in the media, but the sales were later declared illegal due to unauthorized modifications made to the properties. 上周末在深圳售出的四套6平米公寓引发媒体热议,但因这些公寓...

  • 上海将增加小型住宅数量

    16-02-24 The municipal government in Shanghai is planning to increase the number of small-sized apartments in the city. 上海市政府计划增加市内小型住宅的数量。 Plans are in place to make homes below 90-square meters have to make up at least 7 out of every 10...

  • 纽约曼哈顿悄然掀起微型公寓风

    16-01-03 The apartments in a new Manhattan building boast little balconies, tall ceilings, dishwashers and storage space. All in 360 square feet or less. 这是一栋位于曼哈顿的新建公寓楼,号称阳台小巧、垂直空间大,洗碗机、储藏室一应俱全。不过其中面积最大的公寓...
