• old fogey 老古董

    22-09-01 老古董,本意是指古代或先人留下的旧物,也叫古玩(antique,curio),现在用来比喻过时的东西(something outmoded),或守旧顽固不化、思想陈旧的人(a person who is old-fashioned and likes traditional ways of doing things),与英文old fogey意思相近。 例句...

  • 故宫瓷器损坏事件

    13-04-15 collection 藏品 shoddy substitute 赝品 collector 收藏家 artifact 手工艺品 Ge kiln 哥窑 Royal Kiln 官窑 celadon 青瓷 porcelain plate 瓷盘 celadon-glazed dish 青瓷釉口盘 the celadon plate with a mouth in the shape of mallow petals 青釉葵瓣口盘 grade-o...
