• 细菌感染现场测试可能减少抗生素使用

    14-11-10 Fast, on-the-spot tests for bacterial infections may help to reduce excessive antibiotic use. A systematic review published in The Cochrane Library, found that when doctors tested for the presence of bacterial infections they prescribed fewer antibi...

  • 抗生素抗性基因本质上处处存在

    14-05-10 The largest metagenomic(元基因组的) search for antibiotic resistance genes in the DNA sequences of microbial communities from around the globe has found that bacteria carrying those vexing(令人烦恼的) genes turn up everywhere in nature that scie...

  • 新品种抗生素或解决细菌的抗药性

    13-07-04 University of Adelaide research has produced a potential new antibiotic which could help in the battle against bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The potential new antibiotic targets a bacterial enzyme critical to metabolic processes. The compound...

  • 超级细菌可能也有弱点

    13-02-27 The overuse of antibiotics has created strains of bacteria resistant to medication, making the diseases they cause difficult to treat, or even deadly. But now a research team at the University of Rochester has identified a weakness in at least one s...

  • 土壤中发现以抗生素为食的虫子

    12-12-10 It's well known how bacteria exposed to antibiotics for long periods will find ways to resist the drugs -- by quickly pumping them out of their cells, for instance, or modifying the compounds so they're no longer toxic. Now new research has uncovere...

  • 某“吸血鬼”细菌可作为活性抗体

    11-11-01 A vampire-like bacteria that leeches onto(对纠缠不休) specific other bacteria -- including certain human pathogens -- has the potential to serve as a living antibiotic for a range of infectious diseases, a new study indicates. The bacterium, Micav...

  • 治疗尿路感染 抗生素比蔓越莓更有效

    11-07-26 In premenopausal(绝经前期的) women who have repeated urinary tract(泌尿道) infections (UTIs), the antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) appeared more effective than cranberry(蔓越橘) capsules for preventing recurrent infections, a...

  • 某抗生素抗癌效果显著

    11-01-30 An antibiotic known for its immunosuppressive(抑制免疫力的) functions could also point the way to the development of new anti-cancer agents, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have reported. The study determined that the comp...

  • 昆虫的大脑内富含多种抗生素

    10-09-07 Cockroaches(蟑螂) could be more of a health benefit than a health hazard(健康危害) according to scientists from the University of Nottingham, who have discovered powerful antibiotic properties in the brains of cockroaches and locusts. Simon Lee,...

  • Antibiotic resistance clue found 细菌抗药性线索被发现

    09-09-13 US scientists have uncovered a defence mechanism in bacteria that allows them to fend off the threat of antibiotics. 美国科学家发现细菌的防御机制,可以使其低档抗生素的威胁。 MRSA highlights the problem of antibiotic resistance It is hoped the findin...