• anchor baby 定锚婴儿

    15-09-09 U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Monday said his use of the term anchor babies to describe U.S.-born children of non-citizen parents was taken out of context and not derogatory, saying he was referring solely to activity he views a...

  • 《经济学人》中的几条双关标题

    14-08-28 The Song of Song 《经济学人》谈革命先驱宋教仁遇刺对中国历史的影响,倒不是说观点有多么标新立异,而是圣诞版里出现这篇文章本身就很有意思。标题是一贯的经济学人式的玩味:The Song of Song,照这个路子可译《宋之颂》,玩心大了就译成《诵颂送宋》神马的。 No Or...

  • 东非海底光缆被轮船抛锚破坏

    12-02-28 East Africa's high-speed internet access has been severely disrupted after a ship dropped its anchor onto fibre-optic cables off Kenya's coast. 一艘轮船在肯尼亚海岸抛锚时破坏了海底光缆,东非地区互联网接入因此中断。 The ship was waiting to enter Momb...

  • 仿生学机械铁锚研制成功

    09-11-23 To design a lightweight anchor(铁锚) that can dig itself in to hold small underwater submersibles(能潜水的), Anette (Peko) Hosoi of MIT borrowed techniques from one of nature's best diggers -- the razor clam(竹蛏). The best anchoring technolog...
