• 穴居人存在的时间将被改写

    14-08-21 Modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed in Europe 10 times longer than previously thought, a study suggests. 研究显示,现代人与穴居人共存于欧洲的时间比之前所想长10倍。 Our ancestors may have passed on technological innovations to the Neanderthals...

  • 体型不断缩小的恐龙最终进化为鸟类

    14-08-04 A new study involving scientists from the University of Southampton has revealed how massive, meat-eating, ground-dwelling dinosaurs evolved into agile(敏捷的) flying birds: they just kept shrinking and shrinking, for over 50 million years. Today,...

  • 短吻鳄与鸟类有着相同的肺结构与祖先

    10-01-18 Alligators and birds share a breathing mechanism which may have helped their ancestors dominate Earth more than 200 million years ago, scientists say. 科学家称,短吻鳄与鸟类有着相同的呼吸机制,这可能有助于它们的祖先在2亿年前统治地球。 How do alligat...
