• 称赞、夸奖

    22-08-04 terrific 极好的 You look terrific! 你看起来棒极了! awesome 很好的;了不起的 You look totally awesome in that dress. 你穿那件衣服真是漂亮极了。 amazing 令人惊诧的,惊人的;令人惊喜的 Its amazing to think that the managing director is only 23. 总经理...

  • good的替换词

    16-06-16 amazing 令人惊奇的 wonderful 精彩的 excellent 极好的 pleasant 愉快的,舒适的 marvelous 极好的 exceptional 例外的;杰出的 fantastic 非常棒的 super 极好的;超级的 outstanding 出众的 terrific 很棒的 splendid 极好的,华丽的 stupendous 好得惊人的...

  • 《灵魂冲浪》六

    12-08-10 精彩对白 Host: Way to go , Bethany! Bethany: Yeah! Host: Unbelievable. Bethany Hamilton's amazing wave at the end does not count. She stood up after the horn. So she gets no score. Malina Birch, your new National Champion. Dad: No! Bethany: It's oka...

  • 发你一张好人卡

    09-09-29 假如女性朋友们在给男同胞发好人卡时,把内心的真实想法都确实地说出来,会是什意思呢?那就是咱们做恋人缘分不够,但可以一辈子做最好的朋友哦! I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to all my problems and respond with the appro...
