• 中国人更容易海鲜过敏

    22-09-19 在欧美喜剧中,我们时不时能看到有角色因为花生过敏肿成包子。然而,在中国,却很少有人对花生严重过敏。难道花生还有地域歧视? 8月26日,中国疾控中心英文周报发布了一系列关于中国不同人群食物过敏的研究论文,其中一项研究得出结论:中国人更容易海鲜过敏,欧美人...

  • Allergy 过敏性反应

    14-04-14 A political speaker was annoyed by a man in the audience. The man coughed and sneezed and blew his nose almost constantly. Finally the speaker was unable to stand it. He very politely said to the man: You are having so much discomfort. If you go out...

  • 食物过敏儿童的过敏反应的其它诱因

    12-06-26 A team of researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and four other institutions have found that young children with documented or likely allergies to milk and/or eggs, whose families were instructed on how to avoid these and other foods, still...

  • 城市生活的儿童更易食物过敏

    12-06-11 Children living in urban centers have a much higher prevalence of food allergies than those living in rural areas, according to a new study, which is the first to map children's food allergies by geographical location in the United States. In partic...

  • 过敏性哮喘的基因根源

    10-08-30 Scientists have identified a genetic basis for determining the severity of allergic(过敏的) asthma(哮喘) in experimental models of the disease. The study may help in the search for future therapeutic strategies to fight a growing medical problem...
