13-04-03 Tiny sea creatures no bigger than a thumbtack(图钉) are being credited for playing a key role in helping provide healthy habitats for many kinds of seafood, according to a new study by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and U.S. Geological S...
13-01-08 Chemists at the University of California, Davis, have engineered blue-green algae to grow chemical precursors(前体细胞) for fuels and plastics -- the first step in replacing fossil fuels as raw materials for the chemical industry. Most chemical fe...
13-01-05 Going against the flow is always a challenge, but some waterfall-climbing fish have adapted to their extreme lifestyle by using the same set of muscles for both climbing and eating, according to research published January 4 in the open access journa...
11-06-16 A new Baylor University study has found that sunlight decreases the toxicity of golden algae(金藻) , which kills millions of fish in the southern United States every year. While golden algae is primarily a coastal species, it has been found in Tex...
11-05-25 Many kinds of algae and cyanobacteria(蓝藻细菌) , common water-dwelling microorganisms, are capable of using energy from sunlight to split water molecules and release hydrogen, which holds promise as a clean and carbon-free fuel for the future. On...
11-04-14 High oil prices and environmental and economic security concerns have triggered interest in using algae-derived oils as an alternative to fossil fuels. But growing algae(海藻) or any other biofuel source can require a lot of water. However, a new...
11-02-18 Let algae(海藻) do the dirty work. Researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology are developing biodiesel(生物柴油) from microalgae grown in wastewater. The project is doubly green because algae consume nitrates and phosphates and reduce bact...
10-09-14 Earthy or musty(发霉的,落伍的) odors(气味,名声) , along with visual evidence of blue-green algae(海藻) , also known as cyanobacteria(蓝藻细菌) , may serve as a warning that harmful cyanotoxins are present in lakes or reservoirs. In a newly...
10-02-20 An international team of scientists, including two from Arizona State University, have taken a significant step closer to unlocking the secrets of photosynthesis(光合作用) , and possibly to cleaner fuels. Plants and algae(海藻) , as well as cyan...
10-02-20 A new paper by researchers at George Mason University and the University of Otago in New Zealand shows a strong link between the diversity of organisms at the bottom of the food chain(食物链) and the diversity of mammals(哺乳类) at the top. Mark...