• 用英语道歉 下

    22-12-08 1. 工作场所时需要道歉,比如开会时需要打断他人,可以用到下列句式: Sorry Excuse me Pardon me Apologies I sincerely apologise for... 注意,介词 for 后面可以加 -ing 动名词或名词,比如 interrupting 或 the interruption。 Sorry for interrupting you earlie...

  • 害怕

    22-06-28 1. Im afraid I cant come to your wedding. 我恐怕参加不了你的婚礼了。 2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。 3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。 4. Im worried it might rain today. 我怕明天会下雨。 5. I fear I wont finish my a...

  • 避免让人感觉不礼貌

    22-06-09 1. Can you pass me...? vs Give me... 人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如将Give me the newspaper换成Can you pass me the newspaper? 2. Could you give me five minutes? vs Go away....

  • 表示不同意

    22-04-19 Im afraid I disagree. 恐怕我不同意。 I dont agree with you / that. 我不同意你的看法。 Id be inclined to disagree. 我可能会不同意。 Thats not the way I see it. 我不是这么认为的。 I dont think so. / I dont feel the same. 我不这么认为。 5. Partly agree...

  • 一些拒绝的语句

    22-04-06 1. I am afraid. 抱歉。 Afraid本意为害怕的;恐怕。上句是为了要说出不受欢迎的话而用的客套话,对话举例如下: A: Would you like to go to see a movie tomorrow night? 你明晚想去看电影吗? B: I am afraid. I have to clean my bedroom. 对不起,我必须要打扫我...

  • raincheck

    22-02-15 商店搞促销,热门商品很快地就被抢购一空。如果你还想买,中国的商家一定会说:卖完了就卖完了,我也没办法。 可是美国的规定很有意思,这样特价品卖完了没关系,你可以去跟店员领一张raincheck,等到他们补货后(也许过了促销期),你还是可以凭借raincheck去买到心仪...

  • a closed book 高深莫测的事物

    21-11-12 A closed book 一本合上的书 =高深莫测的事物 联想记忆:把书合上,那就不知道里面的知识是什么,所以高深莫测。 例句: Im afraid accountancy is a closed book to me. 我恐怕对会计学一窍不通。...

  • scared的替换词

    16-06-16 afraid 害怕的,担心的 frightened 受惊的 spooked 受惊吓的 horrified 充满恐惧的,震惊的 startled 吃惊的,受惊的 fearful 可怕的,担忧的 petrified 吓呆的,惊呆的 anxious 令人焦虑的;渴望的 aghast 吓呆的 alarmed 担忧的,惊慌的 terrible 可怕的,严重的,糟...

  • The donkey and the tiger

    14-02-28 One day, a Chinese man rode a black donkey passing by an unknown small town at the foot of a high mountain. The man was tired and hungry, after fastening the donkey to a post, he went into a restaurant to eat. The people in the town had never seen a...
