• money talks 有钱能使鬼推磨

    21-09-15 money talks不是钱说话了,而是强调金钱具有很大的说服力和影响力,也就是我们常说的财大气粗;钱说了算;有钱能使鬼推磨。 例句: If you want us to help you out, heres some advicemoney talks. 如果你想让我们帮忙,给你点建议有钱能使鬼推磨。...

  • 怎样正确地清洁牙齿?

    21-09-10 我们时小候都学过该怎样刷牙。但你知道如何清洁牙齿才最有效吗?每天该什么时候刷牙?是否需要刷够一定的时间,或使用一定的技巧? We all know that cleaning our teeth is important, right? Because, if you dont clean them and things go wrong, they can cause y...

  • always follow somebody's advice 言听计从

    21-09-10 言听计从,汉语成语,意思是什么话都听从,什么主意都采纳;形容对某人十分信任。可以翻译为always follow somebodys advice,accept ones advice without questioning或be at somebodys beck and call等。 例句: 我们对他言听计从。 We do whatever he wishes....

  • a sharp tongue 言语尖刻

    21-09-02 如果形容某人有一个尖的舌头 a sharp tongue 那意思就是这个人言语尖刻,说话毫不留情。 例句 Dont worry about what the boss says, he has a sharp tongue. Stephens sharp tongue meant that nobody would ask him for advice. 请注意 如果有人对你说 hold your ton...

  • cling obstinately to one's course 一意孤行

    21-08-30 一意孤行,汉语成语,指不接受别人的劝告,顽固地按照自己的主观想法去做。可以翻译为cling obstinately to ones course,be bent on having ones own way等。 例句: 达夫一意孤行,不愿意听他父亲的建议。 Duff would not listen to his fathers advice, but took hi...

  • yes-man 唯命是从的人;好好先生

    21-06-25 Yes-man是一个非正式的英语说法,我们用它来形容那些从来不反抗上司指示,只会一味说是 yes的人。需要特别注意的是,这个表达带有贬义,常被人用来暗示某个人在工作场合急于取悦比自己地位高的人或是性格软弱。Yes-man的复数形式是yes-men。 例句 She never gets good...

  • backseat driver 喜欢指手画脚的人

    21-06-11 指手画脚,意思是一边说话一边比画,形容随意发号施令或乱加批评(make indiscreet remarks or criticisms)。而喜欢指手画脚的人可以翻译为backseat driver,表示someone who tells others how to do things;a person who interferes in affairs without having know...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 4

    20-12-20 For a time everything went smoothly, and Rose was a happy girl. The world seemed a beautiful and friendly place, and fulfillment of her brightest dreams appeared to be a possibility. Of course this could not last, and disappointment was inevitable,...

  • 表建议和推断的情态动词

    20-12-06 1. Complete the sentence so it expresses deduction. He _______ Spanish, because hes wearing a Spanish football top. a) should be b) can be c) would be d) might be 2. Complete the sentence so it expresses advice. You really _______ start thinking abo...

  • askhole 寻求你的建议但从来不照着做的人

    20-09-26 Whats an askhole, you ask? Its a word thats come up recently to describe someone who ask for your advice but never follows through on it or does the opposite of what you told them. Id add to the definition the person who always wants free consulting...