• a hive of activity 一片繁忙的景象

    21-08-12 当一个地方被比喻为 a hive of activity 时,要表达的意思是此处看上去非常忙碌,一片繁忙的景象。 例句 La Bouqueria market is a hive of activity on a Saturday morning, with vendors selling all sorts of food and drink. Welcome to the department! Its a rea...

  • architourist 建筑游客

    17-12-10 Architourist refers to a tourist who visits other countries and cities mainly to study the architecture. 建筑游客指的是到其他国家和城市游玩,主要是为了研究建筑的游客。 Their primary activity involves seeing buildings and other architectural works....