10-03-19 受去年感恩节车祸及后来的性丑闻影响而一直处于休赛状态的老虎伍兹于本周二正式宣布复出,称将参加4月5日到11日在奥古斯塔高尔夫俱乐部举行的美国名人赛。 Tiger Woods announced Tuesday that he plans to return to the sport at the Masters Tournament in April. F...
10-02-25 A killer whale has killed a 40-year-old female trainer at the SeaWorld marine park in Orlando, Florida. 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多海底世界一头逆戟鲸杀死一名40岁的女驯兽员。 Tilikum has been involved in two previous deaths Officials described the incident...
10-01-31 近日,英国一条街道上包括汽车、垃圾箱、路灯杆等在内的所有设施都穿上了泡沫塑料外衣,以求在频发的交通事故中自保,同时提醒人们注意交通安全。据悉,这条街上的住户每年的交通事故索赔数居全英国之首,因此被人们称为事故大道。此次泡沫塑料行动是由一家叫做Confuse...
09-12-01 China has charged nearly 60 people with covering up a deadly mine disaster just weeks before last year's Olympic Games, the state-run China Daily has said. 《中国日报》报道,试图掩盖去年奥运会几周前发生的一起致命矿难的相关责任人已被处理。 Deadly acc...
09-11-30 Tiger Woods has hit out at unfounded rumours circulating since his car accident in the early hours of Friday. 泰格伍兹对上周五早些时候发生的一起车祸所流传出来的毫无根据的谣言进行回击。 Woods has been at the top of the profession for many years The g...
09-11-26 My father, Julio Sr., was a prominent(杰出的,显著的) gynecologist(妇科医生) in Madrid and the most disciplined(遵守纪律的) man I have ever known. To stay trim and healthy, he exercised two hours a day by walking, swimming and playing tennis....
09-10-27 He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's lifewho was the main source of support for the family. Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother became his s...
09-10-25 At least 20 people have been killed when a passenger train smashed into the back of another train near the Egyptian capital, Cairo. 埃及首都开罗附近一列客运列车猛撞到另一辆列车尾部,造成至少20人死亡。 The crash happened south of the Egyptian capital...
09-10-13 The family of Boyzone star Stephen Gately say his sudden death in Spain at the age of 33 was a tragic accident. 男孩地带歌手Stephen Gately的家人称其在西班牙33岁的猝死是一个悲剧事件。 The Irish singer died on Saturday while on holiday in Majorca with...
09-07-28 A former American Idol contestant has been killed in a hit-and-run car accident in New Jersey, officials say. 官员称,前美国偶像竞争者在新泽西死于车祸。 Cohen auditioned in 2007 and 2008 for American Idol Alexis Cohen, 25, from Allentown, Pennsylvan...