• 007制片人:下一任邦德依然是男性

    20-01-21 The producer of the James Bond films has ruled out making the character female after Daniel Craigs departure. 007电影的制片人已经排除了丹尼尔克雷格之后出现女邦德的可能性。 No Time To Die, which will be released in April, marks Craigs final outing as...

  • 电影公司欲花1.5亿请克雷格继续出演邦德

    16-09-29 Many men - and women too, for that matter - would love to play James Bond. Most of us would also love $150 million. 饰演詹姆斯邦德是大多数男人甚至是女人都梦寐以求的。我们大多数人也会想要1.5亿美元。 But Hollywood superstar Daniel Craig is not most pe...

  • 克雷格签约新剧 或将弃演邦德

    16-02-20 Daniel Craig has fuelled speculation he could quit James Bond - after signing up to a new TV role. 丹尼尔克雷格近日签约加盟新剧,这助长了此前对他弃演詹姆斯邦德的猜测。 The 47-year-old star , who has played 007 in four movies since 2006, has agreed t...

  • 邦德吻戏过多被印度审查委员会大幅度删减

    15-11-29 A James Bond who touches M's feet to seek blessings before setting out for a mission? One who only shakes (not stirs) his buttermilk? You had better believe it. 执行任务前,詹姆斯邦德先要摸M的脚祈求保佑?他喝牛奶时是用摇的而不是用搅的?难以置信吧。...

  • the James Bond Effect 詹姆斯·邦德效应

    15-11-26 The James Bond Effect (also called 007 Effect) is a theory in propaganda and political circles, whereby the first detailed opinion/summary that someone hears or reads on a particular topic, is the one they are most likely to adopt. 詹姆斯邦德效应(...

  • 大男子主义的邦德形象可能将成为过去式

    15-09-14 The image of a smooth-talking, chain-smoking and sexist James Bond may be a thing of the past as the latest 007 novel gives him a politically-correct makeover. 由于最新一部007系列小说给詹姆斯邦德进行了政治正确的大改造,能言善道、烟不离口、大男子主义...
