• 英语口语:单词都认识,为什么不理解

    20-03-17 1. cloud nine cloud nine, 同on a cloud是一个意思。都意为:如在云层中,飘飘然的,一般都用于形容人处于一种,狂喜心境或极乐的状态。 When Tom knew that he would be a father, he was 当Tom知道自己将为人父时,他简直乐得找不着北了 2. fall from cloud nine...

  • 英语口语:宇宙和太阳系

    20-03-12 The universe the universe How many stars are there in the universe? an asteroid 小行星The photograph shows an asteroid near Jupiter. a star The sky was very clear. I could see thousands of stars. a comet The comet will be visible in the night sky. a...

  • 英语口语:描述事物的尺寸 Size

    20-03-12 描述事物的尺寸常用的英语表达 Size nouns depth Whats the depth of the chest of drawers? height Ill measure the height of the cabinet. length Whats the length of the table? width Can you measure the width of the desk? Size adjectives deep How deep is...

  • 英语口语:谈论可能性 Possibility

    20-03-12 谈论可能性常用的10个英语表达,先自己选择在看下面的解析哦。 1. Theres __ chance that England will win the match. few no Theres no chance = theres zero possibility. (Remember to stress no when you say this.) 2. Do you think England will win? No, its _...

  • 英语口语学习:动名词 Gerund

    20-03-11 A gerund is type of noun that is created by adding -ing to a verb, for example: Verb: Eat Gerund (Noun): Eating In some cases, we need to add an extra consonant before the -ing. This typically happens when the last consonant in the verb follows a si...

  • 怎样让你的英语听起来更礼貌?

    20-03-11 Having good social skills is important if you want to make a good impression on the people you meet. Heres some advice on what is considered polite or impolite in English-speaking cultures. 当你和别人见面时,要想留下好的印象,拥有良好的社交技巧很重...

  • 英语口语:常用英语短语25个

    20-03-07 1、not that...but that... 不是......而是 2、can not...too... 再......也不过分 3、other than 除了,不同于 4、It is reported / asserted / believed / considered / said /supposed that 据报道/据宣称/据说/据假设 5、nothing less than 完全是,不亚于...... 6...

  • 生活英语:如何用英语去鼓励别人

    20-02-05 如何用英语去鼓励别人 Different Ways To Say Something Encouraging When you think about this, its all about saying something positive to somebody else. You want to encourage others in a positive way and use the right words to do so. The letter gives a...

  • 生活实用:鼠年说鼠--和Rat有关的三个英语表达

    20-02-02 smell a rat 字面意思翻译为我闻到一只老鼠,记住千万不要这样翻译,这句话的意思是感觉什么事情不正常、奇怪、不对头的意思。用英语解释就是 feel that something is wrong。 Hes been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat! 他这周每天晚上...

  • 锻炼英语思维的9个句子

    11-05-06 1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2. I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个that...