• The Ozone Layer Depletion 臭氧层耗竭

    20-05-14 he ozone layer depletion is harmful to the environment. The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of Earths stratosphere that absorbs most of the Suns ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It was discovered in 1913 by the French physicists Charles Fabry and...

  • 可再生能源 Renewable Energy

    20-05-14 Renewable energy is energy that is environment-friendly because it is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished. Examples of these renewable resources include sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat (i.e.the...

  • 手机耗电量比冰箱还多?

    20-05-08 你知道吗?你经常用的智能机能源消耗比你家里的冰箱还要多。 What do you think are the biggest energy users in your home? Your list most likely includes your A.C., fridge, washing machine, etc. But you would be surprised to know that your smart phone is...

  • 第五种味觉 The Fifth Taste

    20-05-08 Everybody knows these four tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. But did you know there was a fifth one? Well, dont feel too bad; it wasnt even recognized by the scientific community until the eighties. The fifth taste is called umami (鲜味), wh...

  • 樱桃树和樱桃

    20-05-07 The cherry-tree is a small tree which grows to a height of about twenty feet. Its stem is covered with a smooth brown bark, and its green leaves have saw-like edges, somewhat like the leaves of a rose-bush. 樱桃树是一种可以生长到20英尺左右高的小树。...

  • 蒲公英 The Dandelion

    20-05-07 All through the summer, and during spring and autumn as well, our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion. And even throughout the winter the leaves of this hardy plant remai...

  • 蜜蜂

    20-05-07 Have you ever seen a hive of bees? Some hives are made with glass sides, through which we can see all that the bees are doing. 你有没有看到过蜂箱? 有些蜂箱的侧面是玻璃的, 你可以透过它们看到里面蜜蜂的活动情况。 In early summer each perfect hive conta...

  • 独处不利健康——阻止独处转化为孤独

    20-05-06 孤独不利健康绝对和肥胖一样糟糕,可能也和吸烟一样有害。因此,在疫情肆虐的日子里,在许多地方,人们被迫独处,如何阻止独处转化为孤独是一个紧迫的医学问题。 Loneliness is bad for your healthcertainly as bad as being obese, and possibly as bad as being a m...

  • 米其林餐厅是怎么评级的

    20-05-06 You may have heard the name Michelin because its related to Michelin tires. 你或许听过米其林这个名字,因为它和米其林轮胎有关。 See, in the year 1900, the tire manufacturers Andre and Edouard Michelin?created something called a Michelin Guide. 1900年...

  • 为什么女性比男性更长寿?

    20-04-26 研究人员已经知道,全球各地的女性寿命都比男性长。科学家们认为,男女预期寿命差异很大程度上与生物学上的生存因素有关。 Researchers already know that women live longer than men in all parts of the world. Scientists have largely linked the difference in li...