• 雅思口语Part1话题练习:如果……

    20-04-23 Function: Expressing Condition Key Words: If,(then). Example: If I graduate this year, Ill start looking for a job in advertising because that has always been my dream. Answer the following questions, using the key words above, and giving reasons fo...

  • 雅思口语Part1答题技巧:遇到不熟悉的话题要坦诚些

    20-04-21 Tip: When answering questions, always tell the truth, dont make up a story. If the examiner asks you a question about a topic that you are not familiar with, explain that you have never experienced this topic and talk about something related to it....

  • 雅思口语Part1答题技巧:不要背句子

    20-04-21 Tip: Never give memorized answers. Try to speak naturally without sounding like you have memorized a speech. Example: Do you enjoy your studies? Answer: Yes, I do because this is a field that has continually inspired me since my childhood. Vocabular...

  • 雅思口语Part2话题:和朋友有不同意见

    20-04-07 Describe a time that you and your friend had a disagreement. You should say: when this happened who you disagreed with what you and your friend argued about and if you two solved the disagreement in the end. Well, recently I had a disagreement with...

  • Say和Tell的区别

    20-03-31 Say and tell are similar in that they both mean to talk or give information to someone verbally. However, there are differences in sentence construction and exact meaning. Can you see the difference between these two sentences? John told me you were...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:关于攒钱

    20-03-30 1. Did you save money when you were young? Yes, I remembered when I was very young, my parents gave me a money box to save money in it. I put some coins in it, hoping I could buy a transformer one day. But it was never realised because the money box...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:关于兴趣爱好Hobbies

    20-03-26 Did people have more free time when your grandparents were young? When my grandparents were young, I think they had less leisure time. They didnt have the gadgets we use nowadays, so they probably spent more time doing simple things. For example, no...

  • 雅思口语Part3观点讨论类题型技巧

    20-03-26 TIP 1:结合个人经历Personal Experience 从你真实经历过的事情提取观点总是一个好办法,不仅能说得更生动,还能一口气解决Opinions/Reasons/Example三大要素,只要再找一个事例比较一下就完美了。 例如小编自己曾被问到对照相这件事有什么看法,一时找不到观点切入,...

  • 雅思口语 Part2的重要性

    20-03-26 Part2的重要性 IELTS Speaking: the importance of part 2 如果Part2表现不太好雅思口语还能得高分吗? Students often ask me what will happen if they do badly in part 2 of the speaking test. Is it still possible to get a high score? Yes, in theory, it is...

  • 雅思口语:需要思考停顿时可用的英语表达

    20-03-26 It sometimes needs to pause when you have to think a new idea, or just want to repeat what you have just said before. So it is necessary to remember these sentences as they may do you a favour in the IELTS Speaking test. 如果你要想些新点子或者只是想...