• Clever Thief 聪明的小偷

    20-05-13 Devan was a clever thief. He robbed the rich and gave all to the sick and the needy. The other thieves were jealous of him. They planned to get rid of him. They challenged to steal the Kings Pyjamas. Deven accepted the challenge. After that he prepa...

  • Cat and Dog were Friends

    20-05-11 Once upon a time in a fairy tale land a cat and a dog were friends. One night, the cat invited the dog for a party at his house. The cat played th e fiddle (演奏小提琴). The dog happily clapped his hands. Suddenly, they saw a cow flying in the sky...

  • A Wise Counting

    20-04-26 有一个皇帝总是习惯问他的臣民一些奇怪难解的问题。有一点他问道:这个城市有多少只乌鸦?。 Emperor Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answ...

  • 狮子和老鼠的故事

    20-04-26 从前在森林里有一只狮子一顿报餐正在睡着休息被一只小老鼠扰了清净,抓到这只小老鼠后狮子起了怜悯之心放了它。后来狮子被猎人给网住了,小老鼠赶来后咬断网,狮子得以逃跑。后来老鼠和狮子成为了好朋友。 Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day af...

  • 蛇和愚蠢的青蛙

    20-04-22 从前有个蛇因年老很虚弱,很多天没吃东西了。他看到青蛙王子和朋友时一动不动,勾起了青蛙王子的好奇心,他告诉青蛙王子自己被诅咒只能一辈子驮着青蛙。青蛙王子很高兴,真的踩在蛇背上去见青蛙国王和王后。王子嫌弃蛇太慢了 Once a snake who had grown weak with old...

  • 少儿英语故事 猫头鹰和天鹅

    20-04-14 从前有一只猫头鹰和天鹅是朋友。天鹅是天鹅群的大王,而猫头鹰只是一只普普通通的猫头鹰 Once there were two friends Kanakaksha the owl and Sumitra the swan. Sumitra was the king of the swans. But Kanakaksha was an ordinary owl. He was afraid to let Sumit...