• 狮子和老鼠的故事

    20-04-26 从前在森林里有一只狮子一顿报餐正在睡着休息被一只小老鼠扰了清净,抓到这只小老鼠后狮子起了怜悯之心放了它。后来狮子被猎人给网住了,小老鼠赶来后咬断网,狮子得以逃跑。后来老鼠和狮子成为了好朋友。 Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day af...

  • 关于狮子的英文简介

    20-03-09 狮子是现在仅存的群居的野生猫科动物。 Lions are the only social wild cats. They live in family groups called prides, which are made up of as many as 12 females and their young, and up to three adult males. Most lions are found in Africa, but small po...
