• 亲子阅读:纸质书更适合做睡前读物

    20-06-12 The march of technology may seem unstoppable, but all digital things may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime bookthe paper one. A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading. The study sugges...

  • 刷牙漱口英语怎么说

    20-06-08 刷牙是我们每天必做的事情,大家都知道刷牙是brush teeth,那漱口用英语怎么说呢? 漱口有一个专用的动词rinse /rns/。rinse的本意是(用清水)冲洗、洗刷,是用流动的水不用肥皂洗衣服、洗碗、洗手等等;也可以表示洗去皂液、脏东西。 当表示漱口,用法是rinse ones m...

  • I Merely Got Tired 我只是累了

    20-06-08 In the capital of Iceland, Mrs. Browns old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for his regular walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch. 在冰岛首都,布朗夫人年迈的祖父母同布朗夫妇住在一起。老人家...

  • 信用卡的优点和缺点?

    20-06-01 There are people who love credit cards and people who hate them. People on both sides of the credit card fence have a point. If youre trying to decide whether to get a credit card or whether to nix credit cards altogether, consider these pros and co...

  • 世界各地千奇百怪的麦当劳餐厅

    20-05-14 无论走到哪里,你都可以看见麦当劳餐厅那标志性的金拱门。 来看看网友分享的造型各异的麦当劳餐厅。...

  • 英语口语:和Way相关的几个英语表达

    20-05-08 All the way 一直 Definition: the entire distance, do everything necessary 定义:整个距离,做一切必要的事情 We drove all the way to Phoenix yesterday. 昨天我们一路开车去了凤凰城。 Im sure they will make it all the way to finals. 我相信他们会一直晋级...

  • 冬天可以玩的一些和雪相关的小游戏

    20-05-07 Shaving Cream Snow Let the children play with shaving cream and pretend it is snow. They pile it up and make snowmen and all sorts of creations. Science See what happens to something plastic in the cold. Take an old plastic soda pop bottle and leave...

  • 真诚相待——网恋的利弊

    20-05-07 Although the Internet is a virtual space, cyber love can never be an illusion. Meeting and falling in love with a person through the Internet is a popular way of communication in modern society. It deserves to be treated with respect. 网络是虚拟的空...

  • 女性缺乏运动会增加患卵巢癌的风险

    20-04-16 两项新的研究表明,缺乏锻炼会增加患卵巢癌和疾病死亡的风险。研究人员发现,生活中没有娱乐体力活动的人比那些经常锻炼的人患卵巢癌的可能性增加了百分之34。 Two new studies suggest lack of exercise is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer and o...

  • 生活英语:卧室相关的英语词汇和表达

    20-04-13 1) Put your head on the pillow. 2) I have an extra blanket if you feel cold. 3) She has a problem sleeping at night. 4) I hung your clothes up in the wardrobe. 5) I use the lamp by my bed for reading at night. 6) Is that clicking noise coming from t...