• 对身体健康十分有益的十种水果

    20-07-30 1. Grapefruit 1.西柚 Besides being a good source of vitamins and minerals, it is known for its ability to aid weight loss, reduce insulin resistance and cholesterol levels and help prevent kidney stones. 西柚不仅富含维生素和矿物质,而且众所周知它有...

  • 左眼跳财右眼跳灾?眼皮跳身体健康息息相关

    20-06-21 俗话说左眼跳财右眼跳灾,虽然这是一种迷信的说法,眼皮跳不能预示凶兆,但是眼皮跳却与你的身体健康息息相关。 Stress 压力 This is the number-one reason for a twitching eye, according to ophthalmologists. When were under a lot of pressure, the body releas...
