• 蝌蚪和青蛙

    20-04-07 Children who are fond of country walks, and who use their eyes well, 喜欢在乡村漫步并且善于观察的孩子们 will be sure to notice in early spring little lumps of jelly floating on some pond by the roadside. 一定在早春时分看到过这样的场景:路边的池塘中...

  • 少儿英语故事:聪明的青蛙

    20-03-11 在森林深处有一个池塘,很多鱼、螃蟹和青蛙都住在这个池塘里。它们过着幸福有平静的生活。直到有一天两个渔夫打渔回来经过这个森林,碰到了这个池塘,看到如此多的鱼和青蛙感到特别惊喜。渔夫们打算明天再来。聪明的青蛙当机立断带着妻子离开了这个池塘 Deep inside a...

  • 不想当王子的青蛙

    11-05-09 Wanda, the neighborhood witch, was a good witch (女巫师) and had been one for about 221 years. Her fondest dream was to become a fairy godmother. She had been going to the Fairy Godmother Academy for 103 years, learning fairy godmother magic: how...
