• 为什么女性比男性更长寿?

    20-04-26 研究人员已经知道,全球各地的女性寿命都比男性长。科学家们认为,男女预期寿命差异很大程度上与生物学上的生存因素有关。 Researchers already know that women live longer than men in all parts of the world. Scientists have largely linked the difference in li...

  • 女性缺乏运动会增加患卵巢癌的风险

    20-04-16 两项新的研究表明,缺乏锻炼会增加患卵巢癌和疾病死亡的风险。研究人员发现,生活中没有娱乐体力活动的人比那些经常锻炼的人患卵巢癌的可能性增加了百分之34。 Two new studies suggest lack of exercise is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer and o...

  • 生孩子真的会让你变“老”吗?

    20-04-08 Women who give birth may be biologically older than women who dont, a new study suggests. 一项新研究发现,生过孩子的女性在生理上会比那些没有生过的更老。 For the study, the researchers analyzed information from 1,556 US women ages 20 to 44 who took p...

  • 新报告发现至少90%的人对女性持有某种偏见

    20-03-24 联合国的一份新报告发现,至少90%的人对女性持有某种偏见。 A new UN report has found at least 90% of men and women hold some sort of bias against females. The Gender Social Norms index analysed biases in areas such as politics and education in 75 count...

  • 双语阅读:女性穿衣的三条法则

    20-03-17 Every woman wants to show her best, and its rare that one is completely happy about her body. If you feel uncomfortable about your weight, dressing to look slim will be important. The following three tips can make your dream come true: 每个女人都想...
