• 美国新冠病毒感染者超500万

    20-08-13 在美国,冠状病毒检测呈阳性的人数已经超过500万。特朗普总统依然在强调病毒会随时间消失。 The number of people in the United States who have tested positive for the coronavirus has now passed 5 million. The latest figures published by Johns Hopkins Univ...

  • 美国七月份就业呈上升趋势

    20-08-10 美国七月份就业率有所回升,超出华尔街的期望,尽管新冠病毒感染人数小幅增加。 US employment rebounded in July, beating Wall Streets expectations despite an uptick in new coronavirus infections. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 1.763 million in July and th...

  • 新冠疫情致使美国各地硬币短缺

    20-07-05 新冠肺炎疫情引发了美国零钱短缺。美国各地银行的五分硬币、十分硬币、两角五分硬币甚至还有一分硬币都出现短缺。 Just as supplies of toilet paper are finally getting back to normal, the coronavirus has triggered another shortage of something we typically...

  • 新冠疫情使美国出生率雪上加霜

    20-06-12 美国去年的出生人数继续下降。美联社指出,这导致了美国35年来最低的新生儿人数。 有专家表示,新冠病毒大流行及其对经济的影响将会导致出生人数更低。 The number of births in the United States continued to fall last year. This led to the fewest U.S. newborns...

  • 新冠疫情导致美国近40%的低收入者失业

    20-05-18 美国联邦储备委员会称,随着新冠疫情开始对美国经济产生影响,近40%的美国低收入者失去了工作。 Nearly 40% of lower-income Americans lost work as the coronavirus pandemic began its assault on the US economy, according to the Federal Reserve. One in 5 adul...

  • 盘点美国大学生活常用词汇

    09-10-05 Academic advisor: 学业顾问。帮助学生学习并为其提供咨询的教师。 Academic year: 学年。正常授课期,通常为九月到次年六月。各学校自行规定一学年为两、三或四学期。 Accreditation: 立案。国家承认的专业学会对学院、大学和中学的批准。学校是否立案关系到学生读学...
