• 航空公司的口罩政策鼓励人们飞机出行

    20-07-30 四月份美国选择飞机出行的人数下降95%。很多人因为害怕在飞机上或者机场感染上传染性很高的新冠病毒而呆在家里。 Airline travel in the United States fell more than 95 percent in April. Many people stayed at home because they were afraid of getting the high...

  • 因为戴口罩,眼妆眉妆产品销量大增

    20-07-23 From July 24, face masks will become mandatory for those visiting shops and supermarkets in England. As face coverings become part of the new normal, sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown. 从7月24日开始,在英国逛商店和超市都...

  • 日本多家公司研发清凉口罩应对酷暑

    20-06-12 日本不同行业的几家公司都在加紧研发凉爽干燥的口罩,以帮助人们应对即将到来的酷暑。为防止新冠病毒的传播,日本民众将继续佩戴口罩。 Several companies in different fields are hurrying to develop cool and dry face masks to help people in the upcoming swelt...

  • 新面部识别系统,戴口罩能识别

    20-03-26 一家中国公司表示,它研发了一种新的面部识别系统,即使人们佩戴口罩也可以进行面部识别。当人们佩戴口罩时,识别率可以达到95%左右,这可以确保大多数人都被成功识别。该公司相关负责人称。 A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system t...

  • 和新型冠状病毒相关的英语表达

    20-03-09 新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus 口罩:(face) mask 戴上、取下和处理口罩: put on, take off and dispose of a mask 一次性口罩: a disposable face mask 一次性手套: disposable gloves 防护服: protective gowns /clothing /gear /suits 护目镜:goggles 医疗...
