• 徒步旅行对健康大有裨益

    20-06-30 Dont Like Running? Try Hiking Instead! 不喜欢跑步?那就试试徒步旅行吧! Hiking outdoors has plenty of perks: nice views, fresh air, and the sounds and smells of nature. 户外徒步运动有很多好处:漂亮的景色,新鲜的空气,大自然的最原始的声音和味道。 Its...

  • 肠道微生物或有助延长锻炼时间

    20-06-21 The microbes in our intestines help keep us healthy, strengthening our immune systems and promoting metabolism. But they may also give us a leg up when it comes to moving our legs upand down again, rapidly and repeatedlybecause a new study finds tha...

  • 研究:养狗能降低因中风或心脏病而死亡的风险

    20-06-02 A recent study conducted in Sweden found the risk of death for dog owners returning home from hospital after a stroke or heart attack was significantly lower than those who didnt come home to a face-licking ball of happiness. 最近在瑞典进行的一项研...

  • 独处不利健康——阻止独处转化为孤独

    20-05-06 孤独不利健康绝对和肥胖一样糟糕,可能也和吸烟一样有害。因此,在疫情肆虐的日子里,在许多地方,人们被迫独处,如何阻止独处转化为孤独是一个紧迫的医学问题。 Loneliness is bad for your healthcertainly as bad as being obese, and possibly as bad as being a m...

  • 吸烟与健康

    20-03-18 What is smoking? no smoking signSmoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. It is a habit which consists of breathing in a smoke from a burned substance. This substance contains the active alkaloid nicotine which is absorbed in...
