• 研究称看屏幕并不会给孩子带来负面影响

    20-07-30 Kids spend a lot of time looking at screens. And some parents worry. But a new study argues against the apprehension parents may feel. The danger is that theyre hearing a message that social media, digital technology use is causing very serious and...

  • fur kid 宠物孩子

    10-05-07 晚饭后在小区散步,总能看到很多宠物家庭的成员也在散步,小猫、小狗居多。有时候小狗淘气跑远了,主人就会特别亲切地喊:宝宝,快回妈妈这儿来!这样的情况好像在全世界都比较普遍了,所以英语里面也就出现了对应的说法,管这些被当成孩子来养的宠物叫fur kid。 Fur k...
