• 研究:儿童对新冠病毒可能有抵抗力,因为经常感冒

    20-06-21 科学家指出,儿童经常感冒可能会保护他们免受新冠病毒的伤害。英国国家统计局的数据显示,儿童和大人一样容易感染新冠病毒,但是发展成重症的儿童没有多少,有些甚至没有表现出症状。 Children may be protected from coronavirus because they catch so many colds, s...

  • 普通感冒与流感

    20-03-18 The common cold The common coldThe common cold, also known simply as the cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose. It is also possible that the throat, sinuses, and voice box get also affecte...
