• 六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇4

    09-10-07 Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes) 41.He promised to put ____ a word for me.? A) out B) down?C) forward D) in? 42.The wheels stuck in the ____.? A) mud B) clay?C) soil D) earth? 43.His talent is quite ____.? A) mere B) unique?C) single D) only...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇3

    09-10-07 Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes) 41.The football club decide to ____ its working contract with the head coach because of its teams poor performance during his coaching.? A) diminish B) diffuse?C) preclude D) terminate? 42.Astronomers were happy to...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇2

    09-10-07 Part Ⅲ Vocabulary(20 minutes) 41. This song _____ his lifes dream and ardent love of life. A) incorporated B) initiated C) exposed D)embodied 42. Every time I listen to Tchaikovsky, I found myself _____ in the beauty of the works by one of the most...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇1

    09-10-07 Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes) 41.The British Library the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom. A) contains B) retires C) retains D) conveys 42.The secretary the foreign minister an interview he was t...

  • 医学制药词汇A(1)

    09-10-06 a avitaminosis 维生素 a 缺乏 abacterial 无菌的 abaissement 降落 abalienation 精神错乱 abarognosis 辨重不能 abasia 步行不能 abatement 轻减 abdomen 腹 abdominal 腹部的 abdominal aorta 腹织脉 abdominal apoplexy 腹部卒中 abdominal belt 腹带 abdominal ca...

  • 医学制药词汇A(2)

    09-10-06 alpha cell 细胞 alpha hemolytic streptococcus 溶血性链球菌 alpha rays 线 alpha stimulant 兴奋药 alpha sympatholytic agent 交感神经阻滞药 alpha sympathomimetic agent 拟交感神经药 alpine scurvy 糙皮病 alterative 变质药 alterative inflammation 变质性炎...

  • 医学制药词汇A(3)

    09-10-06 aparathyreosis 甲状旁腺机能缺失 apareunia 性交不能 apastia 拒食 apathy 无情感 aperient 轻泻药 aperistalsis 蠕动停止 apex 顶点 apex beat 心尖搏动 apex murmur 心尖杂音 apex of lung 肺尖 apex of tongue 舌尖 apexcardiogram 心尖心动图 aphagia 吞咽不能 ap...

  • 医学制药词汇B

    09-10-06 b lymphocyte b 淋巴细胞 babesiasis 巴贝虫病 babesiosis 巴贝虫病 bacillary dysentery 菌痢 bacillemia 菌血症 bacillicarrier 带菌者 bacillosis 细菌感染 bacilluria 菌尿 bacillus 杆菌 back 背 back bone 脊柱 backache 背痛 backflow 逆流回流 backwardness 智...

  • 医学制药词汇C

    09-10-06 c antigen c 抗原 cacation 排粪 cacergasia 机能不全 cachet 扁囊剂 cachexia 恶病质 cachinnation 癔病性狂笑 cacocholia 病性胆汁 cacodemonomania 魔附妄想 cacogenesis 劣生 cacogeusia 劣味 cacomelia 肢畸形 cacosmia 恶臭 cadaver 尸体 cadaveric blood 尸体血...

  • 医学制药词汇D

    09-10-06 d'arsonvalization 高频电疗法 dacnomania 杀人狂 dacryagogue 催泪剂 dacryoadenitis 泪腺炎 dacryoblennorrhea 慢性溢 dacryocele 泪囊突出 dacryocyst 泪囊 dacryocystectomy 泪囊切除术 dacryocystitis 泪囊炎 dacryocystogram 泪囊照片 dacryocystography 泪囊照...