• 长城文化节8月8日启动,公众可夜游长城

    20-08-12 为期两个月的长城文化节8月8日在北京启动,文化节期间,公众可在周末夜游八达岭长城。 A two-month-long Great Wall cultural festival opened in Beijing Saturday, which allows tourists to visit the Badaling section of the ancient wall on weekend nights. Vis...

  • TED演讲:是什么造就了长城的无与伦比

    20-04-02 TED演讲:是什么造就了长城的无与伦比,好好学习下,下次向外国朋友介绍的长城的话就不会没有话说了。 A 13,000 mile dragon of earth and stone winds its way through the countryside of China 一条1万3英里的土石之龙蜿蜒于中国乡野之间, with a history almost a...
