日期:2008-01-18 Section1 上期复习 The rules prohibited using the office telephones for personal calls. 禁止 Section2 The manufacturer wanted to expedite shipping the goods because the customers needed them in a hurry. 请选择true or false: 1.T /F The manufacturer wa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-18 Section1 上期复习 The office used the constructive suggestions immediately. 积极有意的,建设性的 Section2 The rules prohibited using the office telephones for personal calls. 请选择true or false: 1.T/ F Employees were not allowed to use the telephon... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-18 Section1 上期复习 The experts were hired to enhance the computer system so that it could prepare additional types of reports. 改进,升级 Section2 The office used the constructive suggestions immediately. (Hint: What type of suggestions would be used... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-18 Section1 上期复习 The workers were glad to hear that their new pay increases were retroactive to the beginning of the previous month. (从过去的某个时间开始起)生效。 Section2 The experts were hired to enhance the computer system so that it could prep... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-18 The workers were glad to hear that their new pay increases were retroactive to the beginning of the previous month. (Hint: Why would the timing of a pay increase make workers happy?) 请判断:以下陈述是true or false 1.True/False? The pay increase wou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 LISTENING Part 1 (Questions 112) 第一部分大多情况下是电话对话。答题纸上分为3个部分,以表格、的发票、的日程安排、的留言条等形式出现,每部分有4个空格,要求考生听录音填空(听两遍)。 考生拿到试卷后应抓紧时间将题目看一遍,根据文字信息,揣测填充题中可能... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 Part 1 (Questions 17) 这部分有7个问题和4段文章。要求考生阅读文章,根据文章提供的信息选择与文章意思一致的句子。这部分相对来说不很难。需要注意的,短文只?段,而问题有7个,这样有重复选择,考生要当心似是而非的答案。 Part 2 (Questions 812) 这部分较难,主... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 Part 4: Short Talks: Tips The beginning of the talk is often very important. The first one or two sentences often contain or give clues to basic information, such as who the speaker is, who she/he is talking to, and where the talk is taking place. Y... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 Part 2: Question-Response Tips Always listen to ALL the answer choices before answering. There may be more than one answer choice that seems correct, or an answer choice to mislead you, so wait until you have heard them all before you decide which o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 Part 1: Picture: Tips Look at the photograph quickly before you listen to the four statements. Think about who is in the picture, where it is, and what is happening. This will make it much easier to pick out the correct answer when you listen to the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 General Tips for TOEIC Preparing for the Test Tip 1 The TOEIC test focuses on English communication, so the best way to prepare for it is to listen to and read as much real English as possible. Listen to radio and books on CD or cassette, watch TV a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 九, 形容词 1 fragile 易碎的 2 latter 后者 3 latest 最新的 4 later 过一会,过后 5 eligible 合格的 illegible 难懂的 6 edible 可食用的 audible 可听到的 7 duplicate 副本的,复制的 8 potamic 河川的 9 faulty 有错误的 ~ transformer 变压器 10 supersonic 超... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 六, 关于性格的描述小节 35 outgoing 外向活泼 36 sociable 善于交际 37 adaptable 适应性强 38 ambitious 有野心 39 hard-working 工作努力 40 energetic 有活力 41 enterprising 富于进取,有创业精神 42 honest 诚实 43 reserved 保守,稳重 44 responsible 负责 45 o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 一, 与市场,运营情况有关的形容词小结 形容市场活跃, 繁荣 1. dynamic 有活力的,有生机的 2. prosperous 繁荣的 3. brisk 兴隆的 4. volatile 不稳定的, 活跃浮动的 形容市场萧条,不景气 5. bleak 惨淡凄凉的 6. declining 下滑的,衰退的 7. slump 委靡的 8. sluggish... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 123 tardy 迟缓;迟延的 拖沓的 124 Track record 过去的记录 125 trauma 外伤;心灵的伤 被错骂,心灵留下创伤 126 trendy 时髦的;流行的 127 troubleshooting 检修;解决困难的 128 umpire 裁判;仲裁 Empire 帝国 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 111 shorthand 速记,速记法 112 silverware 银器;镀银餐具 113 snack 快餐,小吃;点心 吃点心 114 solicit 请求;恳求 舍利息 115 spreadsheet 电子表格 116 stapler 订书机 Staple 订书钉 117 state-of-the-art 使用... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 96 premiere 首次公演;首映 Premier 第一的,首要的 97 preservative 防腐剂 98 proofread 校正;校对 99 prospectus 计划书;说明书 Prospect 前景 100 pushcart 手推车 = Cart 101 quote 报价 102 ravenous 饥饿的;... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 81 manual 使用手册,指南;手工的 82 miscellaneous 不同种类的;混杂的 Mis + cella +neous miss+ cellar 83 munch 用力嚼;大声咀嚼 联想Mouth, much 84 nosy 好管闲事的;爱打听的 85 novice 生手;新手;初学者 No+... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 66 itinerary 行程表;旅程 67 jaywalk 不遵守交通规则穿越马路;闯红灯jay-傻瓜,傻瓜走路经常闯红灯 68 jeopardy 风险;危险;危难 Jeopardize 危害 69 jet lag 时差 70 jot down 略记下;匆匆记下 71 know-how 技能... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-24 序号 单词或词组 中文意思 形近词、同根词或谐音 51 farfetched 牵强的;不自然的 Far to fetch 52 ferry 渡轮 53 floppy(disk) 软盘 Loppy 无力地下垂地 54 forfeit 罚款;丧失 55 forward 送到,转号 56 franchise 经销权;加盟权 火箭队的Francis的外号就叫特权 57... 阅读全文>>

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