日期:2007-10-25 malice n.怨恨 同spite, ill will, animosity After their argument, the malice between Teri and Fred seemed to grow. 争吵之后,泰瑞和弗雷德间的怨恨似乎又加深了。 metropolitan adj.大都市的 同 civil, urban, city-wide Shanghai is one of the largest metrop... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 foible n.缺点;弱点 同weakness, shortcoming, whimsy Talking too much is one of Jack's foibles that I find a little annoying. 我觉得饶舌是杰克让人感到厌烦的缺点之一。 gasp v.喘气 同 pant, choken Anna gasped for breath after she swam up from the botto... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 contract v.收缩 同 shrink, narrow, reduce The cold weather made the cement in the sidewalk contract until it finally cracked. 寒冷的天气使人行道的水泥收缩,最后终于裂开。 deadlock n.停顿;僵持 同bottleneck, impasse The peace talks reached a deadlock... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 abet v.唆使;帮助 同 aid, assist, support, encourage Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house. 诺曼因协助犯罪而被捕,因为他将抢劫犯窝藏在自己家里。 adjunct n.附属物;伴随物 同 appendix, addition, sup... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 surpass v.凌驾 同excel, outdo, exceed Tommy studied so hard that he surpassed all the other students in his class. 汤米非常用功,因此成绩比班上的其他同学都好。 thrall n.奴隶 同slave, serf, bondsman The peasant farmers were the thralls of the lord of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 principal adj.主要的 同chief, foremost, prime, main, leading The principal aim of this plan is to find a way to help students improve their study habits. 这项计划的主要目标是找出一种帮助学生改善读书习惯的方法。 quibble n.遁辞 同evasion, equivocation... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 foamy adj.起泡沫的 同bubbling, sparkling The storm had made the ocean waves hitting the shore rough and foamy.暴风雨使得海浪大力地冲击着岸边,激起了层层泡沫。 garment n.衣服 同clothing, robe, costume, attire, dress Charles decided to have several ga... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 deprive v.剥夺 同strip, dispossess, divest, bereave, denude The prisoners were deprived of any communication with the outside world.这些囚犯被剥夺了与外界进行沟通的自由。 discrepancy n.差异;不符 同inconsistency, disagreement, divergence, discordanc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 Abbreviate v.缩减 同shorten, reduce, condense, abridge Scott abbreviated his speech, so he would not bore anyone. 斯科特缩减了他的演讲,以免让人感到厌烦。 adjacent adj.邻接的 同adjoining, bordering, neighboring, contiguous Nick's house is adjacent t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 surmount v.克服;超越 同exceed, overcome, conquer, vanquish, surpass Ada was able to surmount her fear of heights by learning to rock climb. 学会攀岩后,艾达终于克服了恐高症。 tally①n.计算②v.符合 同1.count, reckoning, score 2.accord, match, confor... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 prorogue v.休会 同adjourn, postpone The legislature moved to prorogue the present session. 立法机关提议停止目前的会议。 quest n.探求同search, expedition, pursuit Many explorers' quests to find the source of the Mekong River were unsuccessful. 许多探... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 magnitude n.强度 同extent, immensity, great size, enormity The magnitude of the budget deficit is growing every day. 预算赤字的情形日益恶化。*deficit n.赤字 merit①n.优点;价值②v.应得 同1.credit, virtue, worth 2.deserve, be entitled to The city gov... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 flush v.①脸红②逐出 同1.blush, redden 2.eject, expel When she smiled at him, his face flushed bright red. 当她对他微笑时,他的脸涨得通红。 gallant adj.勇敢的 同brave, daring, courageous A gallant man jumpedsintosthe river to save the drowning child... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 contention n.争论;争斗 同competition, struggle, argument, conflict There was much contention about the proposed city subway system. 市区地铁系统的提议引起了许多争论。 dawn n.黎明 同sunrise, daybreak Jane awoke at dawn, while everyone else in the ho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 abate v.减弱 同diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game. 下雨并没有消减观众看棒球比赛的热情。 adhere v.粘附;附着 同stick, cling, cleave, attach, cohere If the surface is wet, the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 surmise v.臆测 同guess, presume, conjecture, suppose We surmised by the clothes she was wearing that she was a chef. 我们由她的穿着推断她是主厨。 Tactic n.策略 同maneuver, strategy Harry often cleans his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 prickly adj.麻烦的 同complicated, troublesome, intricate, trying She doesn't know how to deal with the prickly problem of inviting her ex-boyfriend to her wedding. 她不知道该如何处理邀请前任男友参加婚礼这种麻烦问题。 querulous adj.爱抱怨的;发牢骚的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 maritime adj.海洋的 同marine, oceanic, nautical, seafaring The city is building a maritime museum near the harbor. 该市正在港口附近建造一座海洋博物馆。 merge v.合并 同combine, blend, amalgamate The two mountain streams merged to form a single stream... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 fluctuate v.波动;变动 同alternate, wave Some investors panic when stock prices fluctuate wildly. 当股票价格大幅波动时,一些投资者便开始恐慌起来。 gainsay v.否认 同deny, disagree There was no gainsaying the astronomer's knowledge about the planets.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-25 abash v.使困窘;使局促不安 同 embarrass, shame Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school. 爱伦一想到要在全校师生面前演讲就觉得局促不安。 adequate adj.足够的;适当的 同 sufficient, ample, suitable, enough Mothe... 阅读全文>>

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