日期:2007-10-26 (范文) Once I participated a speech given by a famous local entrepreneur, who rose from exactly bare hands. The word brands me most is loyalty, the very one we hardly dabble and almost reaches the edge of oblivion but instead no negligence is des... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) Once I participated a speech given by a famous local entrepreneur, who rose from exactly bare hands. The word brands me most is loyalty, the very one we hardly dabble and almost reaches the edge of oblivion but instead no negligence is des... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) Hero, the elites of our human groups, are all time alive in any level of social stages. But, following the break-neck development of various fields of technology, a serial of problems accordingly come to bog us, one of them is the excl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 By the way, when biology and chemistry met, biochemistry came into being as a strong hybrid of the two independent parents. One of my best friends happens to be an excellent graduates major in bio-pharmacology, who once told me before entering th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (3) SINGLE类:单一结论类,或者顶多后面附加背景或原因,让考生自己定夺的话题。这类是ISSUE最多最难的题,而且在这里没有上述那么简单可行的模式可以僵硬的套用,可以说这类文章才是考验你思辩能力的东西。那么,是不是对于这种类型就无计可施,只能死背提纲?不绝... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) As one of the famous philosophers ever writes,the dream leads our sights toward the future, and the practice make our sense recognize how far away we still have to strive for.During the recent decades, experts gradually have been divided... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 评析:范文采用故做深沉的开头方式,从社会上某些专家的争议引出话题,并在首段末作出明确回应,从而确保切题,值得考生引以为鉴。紧接着作者按上述三段论模式一一就理由、后果与问题采取不同方式的论证来实现,从而使文章在结构上呈现出多元化和周到性,给阅卷人一种... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 In sum, the phenomenon of the treatments to these gifted children is such a controversial one that certainly some of us, of course, might still cast some doubt on my analysis, but at least what I discussed above to some degree shake the adamantly... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) There are some children do indeed have some gift perhaps cannot be made sense properly by scientists and educators aggregating around ourselves and needing some special care especially for their cultivation regarding the education process. S... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 而结尾的任务与模式也基本有两条: (1)总结上文自己与话题的观点,勾勒全文论证概貌。 (2)提出尚待履行的措施,建议等,并点描这样的后果。 但是,结尾的失误也不在少数,主要是大多数考生有结尾的意识,却没有结尾的认识,为作结论而作结论,勉强地作结论,即将重... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 1.ISSUE结构性指导 ISSUE是种开放性话题,涉及的题材多样及覆盖面广是GRE作文的一个特色,而正是这点使得整体的万能套路往往穿戴得极其勉强,于是我们可以分类处之。分类流行的有两种,一种是按题材分,可以分为11大类(作者主张飞跃分类):学习,科技,历史,传媒,文... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 总结:新思想的形成的确需要不断的积累和思考,并非一朝一夕之功,但是对于实现GRE作文之思维争辩目的是极其有益的,正是由于这个原因,笔者希望考生能够在准备阶段按下列三个步骤仔细思考一下创新思维的养成: (1)想别人之未曾想,即对每个话题挖掘出意想不到的点子... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 范文二,赞成) I support enthusiastically the idea that in contemporary society creating an appealing image is much more important than the reality or truth behind it. What I stick to this preference for is based on large amount of personal experienc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文一,反对) As a prevalent proverb saying the mentality for pulchritude is applicable to any one, from the time of primitive age, people have started to pick up some natural raw materials, most of which have chromatic colors or exotic configu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文一,反对) As a prevalent proverb saying the mentality for pulchritude is applicable to any one, from the time of primitive age, people have started to pick up some natural raw materials, most of which have chromatic colors or exotic configu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) The correlation of the high irons level and heart disease the arguer trying to prove is not as perfect as he assumes. Although at first glance, his cause-and-effect analysis seems quite cogent, yet it can't stand much reexamination. I agre... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 142.The article entitled 'Eating Iron' in last month's issue of Eating for Health reported that a recent study found a correlation between high levels of iron in the diet and an increased risk of heart disease. Further, it is well established that t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 在切实掌握好这些技巧之后,后续的问题也会接踵而来,很多考生在认识到问题的严重性之后,不知道如何从开始回应起就把握好文章的走向而不跑题,作好条理性的框架是必须的,但是最简便的方法就是(千万注意啊!!!)将话题的内容编成问句,自己的每段回应编成回答,如果... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (范文) A million times I have heard the accident regarding a certain famous star shouted to separate fervid journalists and interviews from various media outside his or her door, which finally results a farce of quarrel and fight. Sometimes I real... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-10-26 (1)审题的原则:字斟句酌,明确对象,我们读题就是要弄懂题目要让我们干什么,然后才能相应知道该怎么干。GRE作文都是议论文,写议论文就好比打仗,知己知彼方能百战不殆。这个题目不难读懂,先翻译如下:公众人物,例如演员、政治家和运动员等应该预料到人们对他们私... 阅读全文>>

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