• chime in 表示插话(通常表示赞同);附和

    22-02-09 chime的本意是(铃或钟)敲,鸣,响,chime in多表示插话(通常表示赞同);附和。 Andy chimed in with his view of the situation. 安迪插进话来,谈了自己对形势的看法。...

  • a front view 朝阳面的房间

    22-01-05 view 景色、美景;视野,视线 朝阳面的房间叫做a front view,背阴面的房间则是a rear view,比如你可以主动和前台要求自己更喜欢的朝向: Id like a room with a front/ rear view. 我想要一个阳面/阴面的房间。...

  • a bird's eye view 鸟瞰

    21-12-24 鸟瞰 a birds eye view 意思是俯视,是因为居高临下,一览无余,让你能俯视全景。 例句 From the aeroplane we got a birds eye view of the spectacular snow capped mountains. From the top floor of our hotel we had a birds eye view of the city below. 请注意...

  • air an opposing view 唱反调

    21-12-02 唱反调,汉语俗语,表示发表完全对立的言论,采取对立的措施。可以翻译为air an opposing view,run counter to或take a contrary action等。play devils advocate可以表示故意唱反调。 例句: 莉莉十分佩服他有勇气和她唱反调。 Lily admired him for having the gump...

  • argue for the sake of arguing 抬杠

    21-11-15 我们身边总有这么一群热衷抬杠的人,无论你说什么,他们都能跟你杠(argue),似乎他们的使命就是给别人添堵(vex, make you feel annoyed)。 抬杠,原指用杠子穿过吊环将物体抬起,也叫抬杠子。不过现在更常用来比喻做无谓地争辩、为了争论而争论(argue for the sa...

  • take in everything at a glance 一览无余

    21-09-14 一览无余,汉语成语,意思是指一眼望去就看得很清楚,毫无遗漏。可以翻译为take in everything at a glance,have an uninterrupted view of等。 例句: 透过窗户,海滩一览无余。 The windows will allow a clear view of the beach. 在塔上可将四周群山一览无余。 Th...

  • be completely convinced 心悦诚服

    21-07-15 心悦诚服,汉语成语,意思是由衷地高兴,真心地服气。指真心地服气或服从。可以翻译为be completely convinced,have a heartfelt admiration。 例句: 他输得心悦诚服。 He conceded defeat from the bottom of his heart. 我们对他的观点心悦诚服。 We embraced his...

  • Mirror

    15-12-03 Mirror Richie Hofmann You'd expect a certain view from such a mirror -- clearer than one that hangs in the entry and decays. I gaze past my reflection toward other things: bat wings, burnt gold upon blue, which decorate the wall and all those object...

  • viewbicle 观景隔间

    14-11-06 Viewbicle refers to a cubicle workspace with a view through a window. The term is a blend of view and cubicle, a cubicle is a partially enclosed workspace, separated from neighboring workspaces by partitions that are usually 5-6 feet (1.5-1.8 m) tal...

  • 'Airplane view' of Mars yields stunning images 美国宇航局公

    09-09-12 The 800-meter-wide (half-mile-wide) Victoria Crater in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars, photographed by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, is seen on July 18, 2009. Colors have b...