• 中国人民银行推出碳减排支持工具

    21-11-10 中国人民银行11月8日宣布,推出碳减排支持工具(carbon-reduction supporting tool)。 The Peoples Bank of China will provide low-cost loans for financial institutions through the carbon-reduction supporting tool, and will guide those institutions, on th...

  • 猴子会巧用工具外形

    13-02-28 Bearded capuchin monkeys deliberately place palm nuts in a stable position on a surface before trying to crack them open, revealing their capacity to use tactile information to improve tool use. The results are published February 27 in the open acce...

  • 黑猩猩会挑选重量合适的工具砸坚果

    12-07-19 Chimpanzees use weight to pick the best tool, and monkeys beg more when they're paid attention to, as reported in two independent research reports published July 18 in the open access journal PLoS ONE. In the chimp study, researchers found that the...

  • None Other Than a Soldier

    10-11-11 As a newly commissinaed infantry(步兵) lieutenant, I was eager to set an example for my platoon(排,团) by cleaning my own M-16 rifle. While we were working on the weapons, one soldier complained about the unusual notched(有缺口的) shape of th...

  • 章鱼也会使用工具

    09-12-16 Scientists once thought of tool use as a defining feature of humans. That's until examples of tool use came in from other primates灵长目 , along with连同一起 birds and an array of一批,大量 other mammals哺乳类 . Now, a report in the December 14th is...

  • Early toolmakers were 'engineers' 远古时期的工具制造者是“能

    09-08-14 Early modern humans in South Africa were using heat treatment to improve their stone tools about 72,000 years ago, according to new research. 最新研究显示,72000年以前南美洲早期现代人类就已经使用热处理来加强他们的石头工具。 The heat treatment makes...
