22-12-01 我们先听一个简短的音频,通过音频中的故事,来帮助大家理解这些词语在含义和用法上的区别。 Example I went to a concert last night, and ever since, theres been a particular tune that I cant stop singing! The tone of the orchestra was superb. The main per...
22-06-13 慷慨激昂,汉语成语,意思是精神振奋,情绪激昂饱满。可以翻译为be fervent and excited,with strong emotion或in a vehement and impassioned tone等。 例句: 他的一番话慷慨激昂,非常感人。 His impassioned speech was very moving. 他挺身而出,在大庭广众面前...
21-03-20 The weather continued much the same all the following morning; and the same loneliness, and the same melancholy, seemed to reign at Hartfield--but in the afternoon it cleared; the wind changed into a softer quarter; the clouds were carried off; the...
21-03-16 tone deaf 五音不全 让我们先来分别看一看这两个词的意思~ tone /ton/ n.音质,音色 deaf /def/ adj.聋的 tone加上deaf,这个意思不就是:叫我听你唱歌,我还不如聋了呢! 这也太狠了吧! Im tone deaf. Im the worst singer ever. 我五音不全,唱歌超级渣。 She cant...
21-03-11 外国一位脱口秀演员在讲述自己学汉语的感受时说道,汉字看起来像各种棚子形状的小画: You want to be fluent in Chinese? You are going to memorize about 44,000 subtly different drawings of sheds. 如果你要流利地说中文,你需要记住约4.4万个长得差不多的像棚子...
21-02-24 More than once during the following few days, Stratton was forced to a grudging admiration, of Tex Lynchs cleverness. Even knowing what he did, he failed to detect the slightest sign in either the foreman or his men that they were waiting expectantl...
13-02-19 ink 油墨 ink cell 网穴 ink distributing roller 均墨辊 ink fountain roller 墨斗辊 inking unit 输墨装置 ink-jet printing 喷墨印刷 ink reclaiming blade 回墨板 ink vibrator 串墨辊 ink-water balance 水-墨平衡 inscription rubbing 拓印 intaglio printing 凹...
12-03-12 A ringback tone is an audible indication that is heard on the telephone line by the caller while the phone they called is still in use. It is normally a repeated tone, designed to assure the calling party that the called party's line is ringing. Rin...
10-06-10 平时在办公室不苟言笑,大男人味十足的家伙跟他女儿讲话时可能会变成另外一个人。商场上咄咄逼人的女强人在另一半面前也可能是轻声细语、小鸟依人的样子。这样的角色转变我们都不陌生,或许每天都在经历。所以,如果身边有个男士时不时地用 girlfriend voice 跟女友说...
09-08-22 唱歌找不着调的人注意了!最近有一项研究结果显示,对音乐曲调毫无感觉的音盲人士对音乐曲调没有感觉是因为他们的某些脑神经元传输不畅。一般来说,患音盲的人无法辨别音乐曲调的差异,而且有很强的遗传性。在这项研究中,研究人员通过对音盲和非音盲两组被试者的大脑...